Ladies and Gentlemen, the internet proudly brings to your monitors
a trip round the world courtesy of Natalie and Jonathan!
Dear all, well, what can I say? We're continuing to have a wonderful time but as you may well know - having fun is twice as enjoyable when you're rubbing someone else's nose in it - so here goes ........

.... Not much has changed in the last few days, breakfast, beach, bath, bar seems to be our stable routine, with the occasional pool break.

however, we did do something a little different and went for a snorkelling trip to various local sites
including Maya Bay (setting of ''The Beach''), ''Viking Cave'', ''Monkey Beach'' and ''Shark Point''. Unfortunately due to monsoon weather we couldn't stop in Maya Bay, but let me assure you that the cosmetic surgeons of Hollywood did some serious sculpting for the film.
, we saw no sharks and the only monkey we glimpsed was a large Texan named Geoff, but all in all it was a great day out.
(Anyone spot the polo mint that Jonathan quickly spat over board before the camera caught him? ~G~)
Success at last in the suntan department! Natalie has gone a lovely chocolaty brown, and local fishermen have been excited by tales of a large lobster in green trunks somewhere on these shores.

"The lobster"

"Natalie and the lobster fishermen"

"Karon beach"
"Elephants re-fuelling"
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