Hey guys! You're all fast asleep as we're writing this in a pub in Alice Springs. For us it's 2:00 in the afternoon and we're sinking our first cold beer of the day. We very nearly didn't make it here at all, as yesterday was the annual ''Greek Glenti'' festival in Darwin. By 11:00 a.m. Mythos and Marathon beers and even ouzos were being sucked down like water as the entire population of Darwin (both of them) ate souvlakis, listened to bouzouki bands and watched traditional Greek dancing.
We had a very comfortable trip into the outback a couple of days ago. Armed to the teeth with every crocodile ''Dundee'' accessory - knives, rope, bandages, hats, torch, inspect repellant, toilet roll, food, water, etc. we found ourselves in the back of a luxurious air conditioned bus with a bunch of similarly equipped tourists sipping complimentary lemonades, and munching on free burgers and playing ''spot the insect'' while telling each other that ''it's better to be safe than sorry''.

In fact the sights were fantastic. 6-8 metre crocodiles leaping for titbits not more than arms length (behind armoured glass) away, a succession of spectacular waterfalls, some of which we swam beneath, and a wide variety of wildlife and termite mounds (8 metres high).

We're suffering from ''backpackers syndrome'' in a big way. Natalie's backpack has put on at least four kilos since we left Athens, and mine seems to be shrinking daily. I have a sneaking suspicion that someone is pinching my underpants and selling them as king size mosquito nets! Take care all, Lots of Love, Natalie & Jonathan xxxxxxxxxxxxx
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